(602) 492-MOLD  jason@en3g.com

    mold testing arizona

    Fire, Water & Mold Creates Huge Problems For Homeowners - Mold Testing Arizona

    If you are a homeowner, you know that mold,  fire and water damage are real concerns. Mold, water and fire damage can create a huge burden for homeowners around the world, but preventative measures are usually recommended to ward off the threat from such an instance occurring.

    Man found in Board of Education Building

    Officials announced that the experts found at least four types of mold in the building, including Stachybotrys. The mold was found on the top two floors of the four-story building.

    What is a mold inspection or mold test?

    A mold inspection includes the following:

    • Detailed documentation of the history of the problem
    • Visual inspection of all areas of concern utilizing thermal imaging technology
    • Quantitative air, cavity (wall, floor, ceiling), and surface sampling